Search results for 'fons sonnemans'

TryCatch 4081

SQL Fons Sonnemans
Adds a Try/Catch including a transaction

Dispose pattern 3852

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for the dispose pattern

stopwatch 3010

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew, Stop + Log Elapsed

eventargs 2938

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it

iif 2903

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for iif (bool ? a : b) statement

propNotify 2896

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for property with INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged notify and backing field

event 2823

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it

struct 2734

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for a readonly struct with the [StructLayout(Auto)] attribute

ifelse 2728

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for if else statement

Lorem Ipsum 2695

HTML Fons Sonnemans
Markup snippet for some Lorem Ipsum paragraphs

ifelse 2678

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for if else statement

Define a DependencyProperty for S... 2639

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for a property using DependencyProperty as the backing store and a Handler for the DependencyPropertyChanged event

Define an attached DependencyProp... 2602

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for an attached property using DependencyProperty as the backing store

Horizontal Stack Panel 2528

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a StackPanel with Horizontal Orientation

Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowD... 2499

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowDefinition objects

Grouped GridView 2484

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grouped GridView

Page Navigation 2480

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for an Xaml Page Navigation using the Common NavigationHelper

Page Header 2434

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for basic page header

Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two C... 2372

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two ColumnDefinition objects

clsDelegateCommand 2208

C# Fons Sonnemans
DelegateCommand class

Define a Property with Notify Pro... 2177

VB Fons Sonnemans
Defines a Property with a backing field which notifies (raises) the PropertyChanged event.

Class Program with Main() 985

C# Fons Sonnemans
Class Program with Main()

propsemi 165

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for semi auto property

Extension Package

No snippets are added
