Search results for 'xaml'

2X2 Grid 3526

XAML Microsoft Corporation
XAML snippet for a 2X2 Grid

XamlSetterCreator 2832

XAML William Wegerson
In Xaml add a style setter.

XamlStyleSetterCreator 2789

XAML William Wegerson
Create a Style and a Setter.

Horizontal Stack Panel 2504

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a StackPanel with Horizontal Orientation

Grouped GridView 2459

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grouped GridView

Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowD... 2429

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowDefinition objects

Page Header 2402

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for basic page header

Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two C... 2305

XAML Fons Sonnemans
XAML snippet for a Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two ColumnDefinition objects

Extension Package

No snippets are added
