Search results for 'csharp'

Dispose pattern 3852

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for the dispose pattern

propnotify2 3757

C# Daniel Turan
Code snippet for property using SetProperty method (compatible with Prism.MVVM and others)

Notify Property 3627

CSharp mv1986
Property with notify change (C# 5.0).

Notifiable Property with datacont... 3536

CSharp mv1986
Property with notify change (C# 5.0) plus datacontract attribute.

rw 3139

C# Zackariya El Khalfaoui
Code snippet for Response.Write

inotify 3025

C# Koen Hendriks
Code snippet for INotifyPropertyChanged Members

stopwatch 3010

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew, Stop + Log Elapsed

eventargs 2938

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it

iif 2903

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for iif (bool ? a : b) statement

propNotify 2896

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for property with INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged notify and backing field

event 2823

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it

Bulk Copy Insert 2793

C# Mike Cofoed
Skeleton for creating bulk insert method

Singleton 2789

C# Simone Chiaretta
Creates a Singleton Class following the discussion on that post of mine:

struct 2734

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for a readonly struct with the [StructLayout(Auto)] attribute

ifelse 2728

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for if else statement

propscreategen 2710

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Akka.NET Actor Props Create using generic syntax

ifelse 2678

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for if else statement

Define a DependencyProperty for S... 2639

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for a property using DependencyProperty as the backing store and a Handler for the DependencyPropertyChanged event

Define an attached DependencyProp... 2602

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for an attached property using DependencyProperty as the backing store

propnotify 2542

C# 3ByteAdmin

ICommand 2537

C# Koen Hendriks
Code snippet for ICommand Members

Page Navigation 2480

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for an Xaml Page Navigation using the Common NavigationHelper

forr 2457

C# Microsoft Corporation
Code snippet for reverse 'for' loop

propscreatelam 2333

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Akka.NET Actor Props Create using lambda syntax

ReleaseComObject 2285

C# Matt Houser
Code snippet for releasing a COM object.

dw 2256

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Debug.WriteLine

clsDelegateCommand 2208

C# Fons Sonnemans
DelegateCommand class

Kill Excel Object 2182

C# Sameer Sayani
Code snippet for killing a Excel interop object.

todo 2173

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for TODO comment

propNotify6 2149

C# Reflection IT
Code snippet for property with INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged notify and backing field. Uses the nameof() c# syntax.

event 2106

C# Reflection IT BV
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it in C# 6

da 2026

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Debug.Assert

SnippetFile1 2018

C# FazelMan

recmet 1906

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Akka.NET Receive with message handler method

recempty 1854

C# Kevin McFarlane
Code snippet for Akka.NET Receive with empty message handler

getset 1853

C# Pavel ViPPeR Pech
Simply add { get; set; }

Entity Code First Identity Key 1839

Creates an identity key column for a DbContext Class

arrangeactassert 1762


testmethod 1666


propNotifySetProperty 1098

C# Reflection IT
Code snippet for property with SetProperty() from most MVVM toolkits

Class Program with Main() 985

C# Fons Sonnemans
Class Program with Main()

propsemi 165

C# Fons Sonnemans
Code snippet for semi auto property

Extension Package

No snippets are added
